Korean market research, marketing research , export and import, advertising ,company establishment, recruitment ,taxation business , legal problem 韓国市場調査、マーケティング調査、輸出入、広告、会社設立、募集、課税ビジネス、法的問題 韩国市场研究,营销研究,进出口,广告,公司设立,招聘,税务事务,法律问题 韓國市場研究,營銷研究,進出口,廣告,公司設立,招聘,稅務事務,法律問題 Koreanische Marktforschung, Marktforschung, Export und Import, Werbung, Firmengründung, Rekrutierung, Besteuerung, rechtliches Problem Étude de marché coréenne, recherche marketing, exportation et importation, publicité, création d'entreprise, recrutement, fiscalité, problème juridique Корейское исследование рынка, маркетинговые исследования, экспорт и импорт, реклама, создание компании, набор, налоговый бизнес, юридическая проблема أبحاث السوق الكورية، والبحوث التسويق والتصدير والاستيراد، والإعلانات، وإنشاء شركة، والتوظيف، والأعمال التجارية الضرائب، والمشكلة القانونية Investigación de mercado de Corea, investigación de mercados, exportación e importación, publicidad, establecimiento de empresas, contratación, asuntos fiscales, problema legal their rights handed Korea conglomerate LG handing quietly ? Still, why not McDonald's and Starbucks have hard fighting in the Korean market even if world famous brands Are there any capital to them? Is there a technology of them in his day job? Does not they have a world-class management expertise? So why did they only drink the bitter cup in Korea? That's why and the answer have to find more essential and with easy and in close The fundamental reason is meant that they did not understand the structure of Korean consciousness. That did not properly detect the desire of the heart of the South Korea Consumer. That is because he could not read between the lines. Now we ask that your company will not do such a trial and error and commit to right if you want to enter the Korean market . So what is really the core of the Korea Culture going to the point? It is the sky thought which is grandson of sky. Korean believes that we meet the sky through our parents. The idea of a single ethnic nation wearing white clothes. In other words, a strong impression is that Sons of sky settled down from heaven to the earth from our old. We love the white clothes and that is a strong sense of community that is a single national. Because of this strong sense of community , we tend very strong to ignore quite exclusive for the others as the reaction is. West writes to say ‘my mom or my dad '. Korean do not writes to say 'my mom or my dad'. Instead of Korean use that write to say 'our mom or our dad'. And much more it has penetrated into our sense of community and emotion and a bitter feelings in our word 'we'. Korea has its own special language called 'Hangul ' .Whether you have a Korean friend? The concept is not different from friends who think in the West. Business is starting to feel a real difference in this ritual. Transaction will accomplish smoothly when become bound to one business and friends. It is meant 'we'. You find this could be carried out smoothly. Let's take a look at the meaning of the spirit in the sky from the founding myth of the Tan-gun, the founding father of the Korean nation again coming back to the point. Founding myth is as follows. About 5000 years ago, there were Hwanin, king of heaven, and Hwanwoong(son of king of heaven). Hwanwoong liked human world rather than heaven. So father gave him 3,000 servants and gods who control wind, clouds, and rain and sent him to human world. Hwanwoong became king of the world and helped them. There were a bear and a tiger where Hwanwoong came to. Bear and tiger begged Hwanwoong to make them human. So Hwanwoon gave them a handful of artemisia and 20 garlics and said "If you eat this and stay in the cave without coming for 100 days, then you will be human." Like Hwanwoong said bear stayed in the cave and became beautiful lady, but tiger couldn't stay and couldn't become human. Bear who became a lady is named Woongnyu. But Woongnyu prayed for marrige and baby. So Hwanwoong became human for a moment and married her. So she gave a birth to a boy, who is the founder of Korean, Dangun. After Dangun became king, he named the country 'GoChosun'. And he ruled the country well for 1,500 years. Dangun is still respected as the founder of Korean. For example, there is temple serves Hwanin, Hwanwoong, and Dangun's soul; there is religion which respect Dangun as a god. In present time, Korean is celebrating Oct. 3rd as the national foundation day of Korea when Dangun first founded country. That Dangun is the father of our nation and the founders . Korean consciousness has penetrated deep into the bones as well as the head in consciousness which is 'We are one nation and sky's grandsons of royal Dangun and respecting white clothes. So even though we go anywhere in the world , we meet with delight with Koreans anywhere the world goes to , without rational reason. Then same consciousness is meant that the Jews called as' the son of Abraham and the chosen people of God '. In other words, Korean fundamental idea implies the meaning of the basic philosophy of Hongik human spirit Dangun, as ' the benefit to the world wide'. The Korean basic idea has Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, shamanism which are mixed with Korean folk belief. Confucianism is widespread with consciousness structure of Korean as Confucian political ideology advocated by Confucius. The country has produced many of Korea's Confucian If you do not know Confucianism , you can not understand Korea exactly. It is a political ideology that govern over the people as morals. Buddhism which is derived from the Indian Hinduism was introduced to Korea via China It is important to emphasize nothing and obligation to consider the mercy and no possession. Taoism is idea which is advocated by Laotzu and Chuangtzu. They claim with inactive and natural . It goes native with peoples who our national Shamanism were combined . The beauty of Korea is the beauty of space. This is emphasis on simplicity and the best value is middle path and living together. Then let's go and review more concretely whether Koreans are living with business and life what is consciousness structure . 1- 2 Korean's consciousness structure . Let's first understand national homogeneity and the identity of the Korean people. Koreans have consciousness of 'quickly more quickly '. Historically, Korea had been peoples who was important to the aesthetics of the slow. Because the history of Korea start from scholar's consciousness. It has been named 'Land of the Morning Calm' when foreigners see Korea. Korea did not understand the flow of the world as to bring a deep relationship with China. So Korea was the failure to modernize Japan next to Korea succeed of the modernization of the country due to the Meiji Restoration Then Japan was led to contrast with Korea more. Korea had painful to the Japanese occupation forces, nevertheless Korea own a great culture. The Spurs have the miracle of the Han River to wash away their shame more and live more better life . We had to suffer unforgettable painful Korea war which had fight against same race . This makes Koreans of great sadness by foreign. It was agreed by the spirit of the people to make the country of prosperous and great military power than the rich Japan so that Korea win against Japan .This was the era request. It is no exception which anyone stand front this desire. And then Korea must grow more fast in order to stay ahead faster than Japan so Korea had to work harder . Many Koreans must go to college more and more to learn more Western civilization Enthusiasm for education which is called 'education is only to live' has created a miracle of the Han River. The writer also have been grown to train in Korean educations. Thanks for your reading. I will continue update to write here weekly steadily Please read continues. Please ask me if you have any questions. I also hope discussion. This time, I will talk with you about Korean insensitive safety and Korean principle of suitability and corruption. There is a story of a Korean proverb that ' it is good if you can arrive at Seoul even if you go sideways'. The meaning can be expressed again. It is that 'the good results permitting all' In other words, that is only considered important results and so ignoring the process and covered process. There is principle of suitability that make beautiful about results . "It's okay" culture has made Korean principle of suitability and this is again deepening and then was amplified for insensitive safety. So Korea happens in accidents and incidents very much. The number the dead of traffic are the five thousand cases a year. Traffic accident is over an affairs of tens of thousands a year. Korea is a savage country for a traffic accident as mush as U.S.A. is a savage country for a crime rate. In particular, construction sites or a spot of industries caused many accidents of a disaster. It is not sensitive to safety and so Korean are easily exposed by accidents. Korean do not prepare thoroughly for safety. And then Korea suffer to happen to great accident when an accident occurs . What ever happened call a years tragedy There was happened the Sewol Ferry tragedy to occur off the coast of Jindo island in South Jeolla Province 2-3 years ago. This is collaboration of which is made by Korean principle of wrong suitability and insensitive safety and corruption connections of officials . Korean principle of suitability is also connected with Korean corruption. In South Korea it is not sensitive about to abide by the traffic laws. It is dull about keeping principles. You can see easily even young students and high school students ignoring traffic signals and crossing the crosswalk. Koreans have school relations and regional relation as I told you the story last time. Korean principle of suitability is connected of the connection of corruption through a group of men which is meant of school relations and regional relation. It looks up to the joke called a new word "govfia" which is meant of mafia of government official. In South Korea society corruption index is high among the OECD countries by false Korean principle of suitability. Koreans have a lack of understanding about keeping the principle. I think that is chase purposes. Koreans think that it is not bad about behavior that achieve an objective through the expedient. It achieved fast economic growth in Korea than any other country. And it was mixed the principle of first growth between Korean principle of suitability . So it makes to change expedient society. Now Korea is ill by a pathological phenomenon in it.. Korea is a nation with a long cultural tradition and cultural of scholar in history. To do that, the deep-rooted principle of cultural and conservatism are located in consciousness of the Korean people. But the Korea were forced to occupied by Japan. And it was governed on 36 years of Japanese colonial rule. After experiencing the pain of historical , Korea was governed by the trusteeship of the United States America and Russia again in grief. Korea suffered again in the pain of separation by them. The tragedy of war of 6.25 which fought a same race suffered terribly and unfortunate Korean war was meant a proxy war of the United States America and Russia crushingly. In addition, Korea did not communize with the help of the UN and U.S,A during the war. And so now Korea continue to remain permanently divided country. It is unhappiness. As a result, South Korea began the unreasonable The pride of Korea cultural traditionalism damaged very much. Also Korea had been changed in quality and polluted badly . With one of the phenomena that happened a historic react in South Korea ,korean government made wholehearted devotion to one side by the policies of economic growth to catch up with Japan and the West. Korean 'quick quick cultural ' exchange by policies of economic growth. Unique spirit of moderation attention of the Koreans It is perverted into a false adequate attention. Korean principle of the middle-road has been altered by bad principle of suitability . There is few depression or mental illness in Korea because Koreans family traditionally have been very familiar in a large family. Today, however, many pathological social phenomena are appearing in Korean society because Korea consist of a competitive society as much as any other country. Korea was the race of culture historically that think quite important of traditions and afford and politeness. However, the current Korea has been turned into a society that dance boisterously a lot of shortcuts. Korean the culture of scholar which think important of principle changed quality jealous social badly because of inflow about the technical and material civilization of the West. So it use more expedient than keeping a principle. It flows more principle of suitability than the spirit of middle road. In addition corruption has spread throughout all society. Now, Korea is looking around yourself. So Let's televise a campaign which keep the principles by the public broadcaster . It also engaged in a war against corruption after and through making a Kimyoungran law( prevention law of illegality and corruption). Korea now has to be turned into a safe country to ensure the safety and principle after to get out of insensitive safety. Korea has to move a country that is defending the principles and order, rather than expediency. Whereby challenges which Korea has to expose in connection with corruption also remain . Korea must move away from the bribe damaging to all people. The move away from the bribery damaging to all people. I hope eagerly that it must not happen again in Korea a tragic incident as the same the SEWOL-HO Ferry Accident . Koreans have been respected the middle road of the most important virtues historically. Middle road is meant of conditions which has without lack or to overflow and there is no bias to one side. So Korea did not respect the possession which run up competition traditionally. Korean was the race of culture which think important of virtue of honest poverty. But the false materialism of the West polluted Korea. It is considered that the false materialism of the West made to damage the spirit of Korea. Of course Korea has to reform and flower of technical civilization , through imitating Western technical civilization further. At the same time Korea must also inherit our traditional and established social morals and good manners. Korea now face on the situation that has to walk on a historic crossroad. Korea has to develop in succession about principle of middle road while to learn advanced Western technology civilization also. I look forward to keep ourselves in parallel with the traditional culture which was also very brilliant. Next time I will talk with you about Korean culture of feelings and heartburnings. It is very late. It is hard for me to translate in English. But I will challenged to translate in English continuously. Would you please encourage vigorous and challenging journey for me ? See you soon and again. Thanks for your reading You can see my blog if you want. My blog address is 7skymom.blogspot.com . 主要テーマ:ファンド、株式、韓国 子会社のテーマ:ファンド、株式、債券、 こんにちは 私の名前はCHO KWANG IL(アメリカ名:SKY CHO)です。 韓国に株式、債券、不動産などを持ちたいですか? 韓国市場について調査したいですか? 私の会社は、韓国市場の株式、債券、不動産などについて韓国に質問すると、いつでも、何でもあなたの質問やミッションに関する詳細をあなたにお答えします。 例えば、中国は大陸であり、日本は島ですが、韓国は日本と中国の間に位置する半島です。 韓国はイタリアに似ている。 あなたは韓国であなたの問題を解決したいですか? 私は韓国のソウルに住み、ソウル大学を卒業しました。 何か質問がありますか ? 私に電子メールを送ってください。 すぐ返事にお答えします。 私はあなたとの関係にできることを願っています。 あなたの早い返信を願っています。 神のお恵みがありますように。 敬具、 SKYMOM TRADING CO。 韓国から KWANG IL CHO(SKY CHO) www.7skymom.blogspots.com 次の記事では、韓国市場向けの記事を紹介します。 韓国に興味がある方は、参考になるかもしれません。 1.韓国の文化と歴史の紹介 2.韓国の政治・外交・軍事の紹介 3.韓国社会の紹介 4.韓国経済の紹介 5.韓国の個人事業市場について 6韓国の環境と地理、韓国観光交通宿泊施設の紹介 7.韓国の芸術と教育と宗教の紹介 8韓国の情報技術産業の紹介 9韓国不動産市場の紹介 1.韓国の文化と歴史の紹介 1.1韓国の文化は何ですか? 韓国の文化を知り、韓国の歴史を知るためには韓国の歴史を知る必要がある これは木が森を最初に知る必要があることを知るためには同じことです。 西洋は物事を分析的かつ論理的に別々のシステムで見ることを望んでいます。 しかし、オリエンタルは、ビューオブジェクトが直観的に包括的、社会的、感情的に物事を見たいと考えています。 ウエストは時間とともに直線的に見える。 東は再帰的かつ絶対的な時間をもって考えています。 これは、固有認識の違い 東と西の間で認識される差異が距離を作る。 したがって、診断と解決には他の結論に達するでしょう。 利害の対立が起こると、それは永遠のジレンマになります。 それは例について言います。 最高の販売台数を誇るウォルマートが韓国市場に失敗したのはなぜですか? ヨーロッパで最も優れた小売業者であるカルフールはなぜ 敗北の苦いカップに飲むことを撤回する必要がありますか? コカコーラは韓国市場で勉強しており、世界のブランドは長い間存在していますが、 なぜ彼らはそれを保有していないし、彼らの権利が韓国のコングロマリットLGを手渡して静かに手渡した後、彼らは帰国したのだろうか? それでも、マクドナルドとスターバックスは、世界的に有名なブランド 彼らに資本はありますか? 彼の仕事に彼らの技術はありますか? 彼らは、世界的な管理能力を持っていませんか? では、なぜ彼らは韓国で苦いカップを飲むだけでしたか? それが理由であり、その答えはより不可欠で、簡単に、そして近くで見つける必要があります 根本的な理由は、彼らが韓国意識の構造を理解していないということです。 それは韓国消費者の心の欲望を適切に検出しませんでした。 それは彼が行間を読むことができなかったからです。 今私たちはあなたの会社がこのような試行錯誤をしないで、あなたが韓国市場に参入したいのならば、妥当であることを願っています。 それでは、実際に韓国文化の中心は何ですか? 空の孫である空想である。 韓国人は私たちの両親を通して空を満たしていると信じています。 白い服を着た単一の民族国家の考え。 言い換えれば、強い印象は、天の息子が私たちの老人から天国から地に落ち着いたということです。 私たちは白い服を愛し、それは単一の国民であるコミュニティの強い意識です。 このような強いコミュニティー感覚のために、私たちは、反応があるので、他の人たちのために非常に排他的であることを非常に強く思う傾向があります。 西は「私のお母さんまたは私のお父さん」と言うことを書いています。 韓国人は「私のお母さんやお父さん」と言うことを書いていません。 韓国人の代わりに、「お母さんやお父さん」と書いています。 そして、はるかにそれは、私たちの言葉「私たち」のコミュニティと感情と苦い気持ちに浸透しました。 韓国には「ハングル」と呼ばれる特別な言語があります。あなたは韓国人の友達がいますか? この概念は、西洋で考える友人と変わらない。 ビジネスはこの儀式において本当の違いを感じ始めています。 取引は、1つのビジネスや友人と結びついたときにスムーズに達成されます。 それは「私たち」を意味しています。 これはスムーズに実行できることがわかります。 平均値を見てみましょう 主要科目:基金,股票,在韩国 附属主题:基金,股票,债券, 嗨 我的名字是CHO KWANG IL(美国名称:SKY CHO)。 你想在韩国有股票,债券,房地产等吗? 你想研究韩国市场吗? 我的公司将回答和咨询你的详细信息你的问题和关于韩国市场的任务,任何时候,任何东西,如果你问我关于韩国市场股票,债券,房地产等韩国的问题。 例如,中国是大陆,日本是岛屿,但韩国是位于日本和中国之间的半岛。 韩国就像意大利。 你想请解决你在韩国的问题吗? 我在韩国首尔生活过,在首尔大学毕业。 你有任何问题吗 ? 请给我发电子邮件。 我会很快回答你。 我希望我能与你的关系。 我希望你早点回复。 上帝祝福你。 最好的祝福, SKYMOM贸易有限公司 从韩国 韩国选手 www.7skymom.blogspots.com 下面的文章介绍了韩国市场的文章。 如果你对韩国感兴趣,你可以参考。 韩国文化和历史的介绍 2.介绍韩国的政治和外交及军事 3.韩国社会简介 4.韩国经济介绍 5.关于韩国个人商业市场 6韩国环境与地理简介,韩国旅游交通住宿食品 7.韩国艺术,教育和宗教的介绍 8韩国信息技术工业介绍 9韩国房地产市场介绍 韩国文化和历史的介绍 1.1韩国是什么文化? 应该注意的是,你必须认识韩国文化和韩国的历史知道韩国的经济首先 这是同样的事情,因为为了知道树必须先知道森林。 西方人希望用分离的系统分析和逻辑地看待事物。 然而,东方人希望看到事物的全面和社会和情感,直观地当查看对象。 西方线性和随时间相对。 东方思维与递归和绝对与时间。 这导致了内在识别的差异的问题 东西方之间的差别就是距离。 所以在诊断和解决方面会达到任何其他结论。 当利益冲突发生时,它陷入永恒的困境。 它说的例子。 为什么拥有最高销售额的沃尔玛在韩国市场上失败? 为什么家乐福是欧洲最好的零售商 不得不在饮酒时撤出苦杯? 可口可乐已经在韩国市场学习,世界品牌已有很长时间, 他们为什么会回到自己的国家,他们没有保留和他们的权利后韩国大集团LG悄悄地? 然而,麦当劳和星巴克为什么不在韩国市场上战斗,即使世界知名品牌 他们有资本吗? 在他的日工中有他们的技术吗? 他们没有世界级的管理专长吗? 那么为什么他们只喝韩国的苦杯呢? 这就是为什么,答案必须找到更多的必要和容易和接近 根本原因意味着他们不了解韩国意识的结构。 这没有正确地检测到韩国消费者心脏的欲望。 这是因为他不能在行之间读。 现在我们要求你的公司不会做这样的试验和错误,并承诺,如果你想进入韩国市场。 那么,真正的韩国文化的核心是什么呢? 它是天空认为是天空的孙子。 韩国人认为我们通过我们的父母见面。 一个民族国家穿白色衣服的想法。 换句话说,一个强烈的印象是,天上的儿子从天上安静下来,从我们的旧天。 我们喜欢白色的衣服,这是一个强烈的社区意识,是一个单一的国家。 由于这种强烈的社区意识,我们倾向于非常强烈地忽视对他人的排斥,因为反应是。 西方写道,“我的妈妈或我的爸爸”。 韩国人不写“说我的妈妈或我爸爸”。 而不是韩国人写的说“我们的妈妈或我们的爸爸”。 更多的是它已经渗透到我们的社区和情感的意识和我们的话“我们”的痛苦的感觉。 韩国有自己的特殊语言叫“韩文”。你有韩国朋友吗? 这个概念与在西方思考的朋友没有什么不同。 商业开始感觉到这个仪式的真正的区别。 交易将会顺利完成,当被绑定到一个业务和朋友。 这意味着“我们”。 你发现这可以顺利进行。 让我们来看看平均值

Korean writing blog: 7skymom.blogspot.com Korean goods blog : 77skymom.blogspot.com e-mail: skymomdad@gmail.com facebook address: skymom@daum.net Main subject : marketing research at South Korea subsidiary theme: marketing research marketing ,advertising ,company establishment, recruitment ,taxation business , legal problem Hi My name is CHO KWANG IL (American name: SKY CHO). Do you want to have a business in South Korea? Do you want to research about South Korean market ? Are you close at hand to make up very important decision at South Korea? Do you want to establish your affiliated company at South Korea? Do you want to have a advertising through media at South Korea? Do you seek Korean agent for your business? Do you seek Korean company which have trust and many experience for very important mission at South Korea? Are you necessary in advance preparations for important something in life at South ...